Section: New Results

Antescofo Language Extensions and Performance Fault-Tolerance

We have improved the Antescofo framework widely used for mixed instrumental and live electronic computer music. The new framework paves the way for future language extensions and paves the way for future research regarding performance fault-tolerance, synchronization mechanisms and formal verifications.

Antescofo Language Extensions

Participants : José Echeveste, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Florent Jacquemard, Arshia Cont.

To further extend the Antescofo language, the system has been formally modeled as a network of parametric timed automata in [29] . The model obtained provides operational semantics for the input scores, in particular the interaction between the instrumental and electronic parts and the timing and error handling strategies mentioned below. This approach would enable better authoring of time and interaction during programing/composing, permits to use state of the art software verification tools for the static analysis of Antescofo scores and also provides means to address critical aspects of musical performances in real-time.

In parallel, a new grammar for the score language and a new architecture have been designed for Antescofo, taking into account new demands from the community such as addition of timed variables in the language, dynamic time processes, time-conditional constructs, and more.

Performance Fault-Tolerance and Synchronization Mechanisms

Participants : José Echeveste, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Arshia Cont.

We formalized the timing strategies for musical events taking into account the variability of environment signals (musicians) and their effect on computer events programmed in Antescofo. The result of this work is presented in [15] , where new block attributes in the language determine expected behavior in case of environment changes in real-time (errors, timing discrepancies, etc.). These additions have been implemented in the current version of the system and are widely used by the user community.